Primary Care (소아, 성인 정기검진)

Medical services we provide
1. Annual wellness check-up (소아, 성인 정기검진)
- School physical (학교제출용 검진)
- Sports physical (스포츠 검진)
- Insurance enrollment (의료보험 가입전 검진)
- Pre-employment (직장 신체검진)
- 혈액검사(빈혈, 간기능, 신장기능 등), 심전도, 당뇨검사, 소변검사, 갑상선 검사, 알러지 혈액 검사 등
- 진료가능 연령 생후 1개월부터
2. Cancer screenings
- Breast cancer: Screening mammogram (유방촬영)
- Cervical cancer: PAP smear (자궁경부암검진)
- Colon cancer: Cologuard, FIT, Colonoscopy (대장암검진)
- Prostate cancer: Prostate specific antigen (전립선암검진)
- Lung cancer: Low dose lung CT scan (폐암검진)
3. Chronic condition management
- Regular follow up of Diabetes, Hypertension, COPD, Kidney disease, Congestive Heart failure, Thyroid disease, etc. (고혈압, 당뇨, 신장병, 심부전, 부정맥, 갑상선기능이상 치료 및 관리)
- Refill of medicine for chronic conditions
- Provide blood lab tests in the clinic office (혈액검사 및 특수검사)
4. Vaccination (소아, 성인 예방접종)
- Tdap/Dtap/Td, Polio, MMR, Varicella, Hepatitis A, B.
- Hib, Meningococcal, Pneumococcal, Influenza, etc.
5. STD screening test (성병검진, 에이즈검사)
- BV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Trichomonas, HIV, Syphilis, Herpes, Hepatitis A, B & C.